English to Tamil Translation

தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு | ஆங்கிலத்திலிருந்து தமிழுக்கு மொழிபெயர்ப்பு

How to Translate English to Tamil
  • Type or paste the english text that you want to translate in the box provided.
  • Then just click on the "Translate" Button for the system to effortlessly translate the text for you in seconds.
  • After this, you will get the required Translated text in the Tamil language.
  • You can also copy or save this translated text in Tamil language for further use by clicking on the buttons provided below.
  • The translated text that you will receive after the translation process will be in the ‘Tamil Script’ including Tamil fonts. You can further use the text as per your requirement anywhere on other social platforms.
English To Tamil Translation Online

There are many people out there who face difficulty in understanding various different languages. Therefore, a translator helps us to translate any text in any other required language. In this English to Tamil Translation, one can easily translate in Tamil from English.

Translating from English to Tamil is fast and free .You Just need to type or paste English text in text area and press "Translate" button, you will get translation of your English text into Tamil within fraction of seconds. You need not to pay anything as the translation service provided by us is 100% free.

History of Tamil Language

The Tamil language has a history from the past 2000 years. This language was primarily spoken in South India and also in the parts of Sri Lanka.

The Tamil language was evolved during the medieval period. This era saw its development of Tamil epics and growth of devotional poetry. The Tamil saints were the one who contributed extensively in this literature. Thus, focusing on the spiritual expressions.

Today, Tamil is spoken by millions of people in the world, especially in Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, and among the Tamil diaspora. It continues to gain popularity due to its rich literacy and a significant role in the cultural and the political life of its speakers.

English to Tamil Transliteration

The 'Translation' and 'Transliteration' are 2 different terms. Do not get confused between them. Therefore, to provide you with simple explanation, here's a definition with example for the same:

Translation: it is a process of converting the text from one language to another language. It includes translating the script, font, and grammar, etc. For eg:

English text - 'hello, how are you?'

Translate in Tamil language - 'வணக்கம், எப்படி இருக்கிறீர்கள்?'

Transliteration: it is the process of converting the text from one script to another, however, based on the same phonetics. This helps us pronounce different language words by reading in our common language. For eg:

English text - Hello, how are you?

Transliteration in Tamil language -ஹலோ, ஹொவ் ஆர் யு ?

The biggest difference between translation and transliteration is, the pronunciation of translation will be in Tamil, however, the pronunciation of transliteration will be in english. Despite of the fact that both the texts are written in Tamil script.

Translation of common phrases from English to Tamil language
In English In Tamil
Hello வணக்கம்
Welcome வரவேற்கிறோம்
What is your name? உங்கள் பெயர் என்ன?
Pleased to meet you உங்களை சந்தித்ததில் மகிழ்ச்சி
Thank you நன்றி
I don't know எனக்கு தெரியாது
What do you do? நீ என்ன செய்கிறாய்?
I am very sorry நான் மிகவும் வருந்துகிறேன்