To Convert Text from Chanakaya to Unicode, Paste or type your content in the text box and click Convert .The Converted Text Will Be Shown in the Unicode Text Box.
Chanakaya(चाणक्य) Font is a non- Unicode Hindi font . It is quite popular for DTP (Desktop Publishing ie;operator is a person who uses computer software to design and produce graphic materials such as brochures, newspapers, and books) work. Therefore it is used extensively in printing newspapers and books. Chankaya Hindi Font is also used to type in Hindi in a computer environment.
Unicode stands for Universal Character Encoding managed by the Unicode Consortium organization. Computers only understand Binary form so it treated each alphabet,numbers,special Character as binary digit as 0 and 1. The Unicode Standard assigns a unique number for every character of any writing system in world. Unicode is unbiased from platform, device, utility or language boundaries.
It's very easy to Convert
Hindi Font to Unicode Font.You need to Type in or Paste the Chanakaya text it in the Chankaya
Textarea and then click on Convert
Button. When you click on it then your converted text will be Appear in Unicode Textarea. This is
the Fastest and Free Chanakaya to Unicode converter.